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Busting Biggest 7-Month Myths: Air-con Installation Edition

Poh Meng Engineering

Home-related Chinese superstitions still linger in today's world, especially during the 'Hungry Ghost festival' which happens in the 7th month of the Lunar calendar, around August every year. It's believed that wandering spirits will come forth from hell to torment the world of the living. This year, the lunar's 7th month falls on 4 Aug 2024 till 2 Sep 2024.

Myth 1: Bad time to do renovation or install air-conditions

It's not a bad time to install air-conditioners. In fact, if you are not into these beliefs, you can actually reap the benefits of the off-peak period by securing an appointment more easily. If you are renovating your house in August, you might even get the renovation done by end of the year and be in time for year-end celebrations in your new house!

Myth 2: Many contractors are not willing to start work during this period

Well, not for us! As mentioned in Myth 1, it's even easier to make an appointment for an air-con installation that fits your schedule as compared to any other time of the year, like Chinese New Year, around January to February, where the world of living (pun intended) is taking a break.

Myth 3: You get discount or better deal during this period

Yes and no. While it's unlikely to enjoy a promotion because of 'Hungry Ghost' festival, you may get a good deal because of National Day! 🇸🇬 Stay tuned to our website or like our Facebook Page for amazing deals!

Even thought these myths have been debunked, believers are respected and understood. On the other hand, this may be good tips for those who do not believe in superstitions or those who need to get their air-conditioners installed urgently in August.


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